In an entertaining, exciting and informative way, historian Carsten Dräger will once again be bringing guests and locals to the...
Wer in der Mecklenburgischen und Brandenburgischen Seenplatte ein besonderes Ausflugsziel für die ganze Familie sucht, hat im...
Himmlisch schön, für diese Attribute kann sich der Naherholungsort Himmelpfort in der Mecklenburgischen und Brandenburgischen...
Das Erfolgsrezept ist einfach: Brötchen, Salat, Zwiebelringe, saure Gurke, Fisch, fertig. Wer am Wasser Urlaub macht, der möchte eine...
The state-approved resort of Himmelpfort is 725 years old this year. There has been tourism here for almost 200 years. The...
Good things from here: The staff at the Fürstenberg Tourist Information Office will prepare individual REGiO boxes for you according to your...
In the coming months we will use the less touristy time to implement new ideas and projects. At the beginning of the new season we will...
Preserving traditions is one goal of the Himmelpfort Civic Heritage Foundation. And so the players for village and sponsors in the...
What a success: With a bravura 96 out of 100 possible points, the employees of the Tourist Information Fürstenberg /Havel,...