Restaurant at the Schlosswirt Meseberg
Willkommen in Meseberg, wo sich die Mark Brandenburg von ihrer besten Seite zeigt. Ausgedehnte Wälder, glitzernde Seen, gesäumt von alten Wäldern. Landschaft die verzaubert und zur Ruhe kommen lässt. Die Schlosswirtküche hat sich einen Namen weit über die Region hinaus gemacht. Sie steht für exzellente Speisen aus regionalen Produkten und internationalem Flair. Genießen Sie am Ufer des Huwenowsees direkt neben Schloss Meseberg, dem Gästehaus der Bundesregierung, die ländliche Ruhe und entspannen Sie sich in stilvollem Ambiente.
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Meseberg - Fontane was here several times. The Berlin Northern Railway took him to Gransee, from there he continued by carriage. The poet rarely wandered. He came here for the first time in June 1861 to do research on site for his first volume of "Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg".
Fontane was particularly interested in the dazzling owner of the castle: Christian Ludwig von Kaphengst. He belonged to the illustrious circle at the Rheinsberg court of Prince Heinrich after the Seven Years' War. The younger brother of Frederick the Great took a liking to Kaphengst's "youth and beauty" and appointed him his adjutant, a position, as Fontane pointedly noted, "to which his intellectual gifts by no means qualified him". He obviously had others. The sturdy Kaphengst "now ruled the court and the prince himself, whose favours made him overconfident".
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Restaurant im Schlosswirt Meseberg
Meseberger Dorfstr. 27
16775 Gransee
Opening hours
- Tuesday from 14:00 to 21:00
- Wednesday from 14:00 to 21:00
- Thursday from 14:00 to 21:00
- Friday from 12:30 to 21:00
- Saturday from 12:30 to 21:00
- Sunday from 12:30 to 15:00
Friday and Saturday reservations are requested from 6 pm. Kitchen closes 30 minutes before closing time. Open on Mondays for hotel guests.
All information, times and prices are checked and updated regularly. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data. We recommend that you enquire about the current status by telephone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.